Durov, a 39-year-old billionaire, was arrested in Paris over the weekend on charges of failing to prevent the dissemination of illegal content on Telegram, which his company vehemently denies. 

The Russian government, on Tuesday, expressed concern over France’s ‘very serious’ allegations against Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, cautioning against attempts to intimidate him, AFP reports. 

Durov, a 39-year-old billionaire, was arrested in Paris over the weekend on charges of failing to prevent the dissemination of illegal content on Telegram, which his company vehemently denies. 

“The charges are indeed very serious, they require no less serious evidence,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. “Otherwise, this would be a direct attempt to restrict freedom of communication, and, I might even say, directly intimidate the head of a large company.”

In a press statement issued via his verified X page on Tuesday, French President Emmanuel Macron emphasised that the French judiciary operates independently and that the government does not interfere in legal proceedings.

Macron’s statement comes after speculation surrounding the circumstances of Durov’s arrest, with some suggesting that it was a politically driven move. 

However, the French President reassured that the legal system was allowed to run its course, leading to the detention of the Telegram founder.

The President wrote: “I have seen false information regarding France following the arrest of Pavel Durov. 

“France is deeply committed to freedom of expression and communication, to innovation, and to the spirit of entrepreneurship. It will remain so.

“In a state governed by the rule of law, freedoms are upheld within a legal framework, both on social media and in real life, to protect citizens and respect their fundamental rights.

“It is up to the judiciary, in full independence, to enforce the law. The arrest of the president of Telegram on French soil took place as part of an ongoing judicial investigation. It is in no way a political decision. It is up to the judges to rule on the matter.”

The Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office on Monday released a list of a dozen charges that could be brought against Pavel Durov.

The list ranges from complicity in drug dealing and money laundering, to facilitating the distribution of child pornography.

The 39-year-old Russian, who also holds citizenship in France, the UAE, and St. Kitts and Nevis, was detained by French authorities on Saturday after arriving in Paris from Azerbaijan by private jet.

The United Arab Emirates announced on Tuesday that it has sought consular assistance for Pavel Durov and is closely monitoring the situation.