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Oil exports will pay for green future, promises Uganda

Drilling has started in two oil sites in Uganda with the hopes of producing 230,000 barrels a day, Energy Minister Ruth Nankabirwa has told BBC Newsday.

As the world tries to wean itself off fossil fuels because of the damage they cause to the climate, Ms Nankabirwa said their impact must be mitigated by laws and investments.

Quote Message: This is a catch-22, because if you don’t do that… people will have no alternative but to cut down trees in search of firewood so that they can cook.

This is a catch-22, because if you don’t do that… people will have no alternative but to cut down trees in search of firewood so that they can cook.

Quote Message: We have to make sure we have laws that will reduce the damage caused by fossil fuel. We have already put in place regulations banning the flaring and venting of gas [at the sites].

We have to make sure we have laws that will reduce the damage caused by fossil fuel. We have already put in place regulations banning the flaring and venting of gas [at the sites].

Quote Message: The world will continue to demand petroleum products for many, many more years to come.

The world will continue to demand petroleum products for many, many more years to come.

Quote Message: If you don’t do that the forests will go, then people will starve, the industrialisation will not take place, then there will not be jobs, then there will be riots, then there will be hunger because we will not be able to add value to agricultural products.

If you don’t do that the forests will go, then people will starve, the industrialisation will not take place, then there will not be jobs, then there will be riots, then there will be hunger because we will not be able to add value to agricultural products.

Quote Message: We have tried to make sure that we resettle people. We have constructed good houses for them, some have been offered money. Relocation is not a problem so long as you’re not just going to throw away people without consulting them. I cannot say that there will not be disruptions because some people leave their ancestral homes where they have buried their dear ones. But we have tried to minimise [disruption].”

We have tried to make sure that we resettle people. We have constructed good houses for them, some have been offered money. Relocation is not a problem so long as you’re not just going to throw away people without consulting them. I cannot say that there will not be disruptions because some people leave their ancestral homes where they have buried their dear ones. But we have tried to minimise [disruption].”

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